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Permission to Be ADHD Addendum

When purchasing the Permission to be ADHD community through Mighty Networks, you agree to their Terms of Use and Privacy Policies, as well as the following:

Informed Consent Addendum for Mighty Networks and Permission to be ADHD


As a condition of my participation in the Permission to be ADHD Online Community (the “Community”), I hereby agree to the following:

  1. I understand and agree the Community is not therapy by licensed mental health providers; rather, it is a community-based educational and support [DA1] opportunity through coaching programs by professionals with educational and personal ADHD experience.

  2. I understand and agree for safety, Permission to be ADHD does not allow minors (17-years and younger) to be in the community alone; however, we do offer a Family/Partner rate to accommodate our clients of all ages! As such, a parent/guardian will be fully responsible for any and all activities and relationships with members whom their minor may interact. If you would like to have your minor child participate, you will first need to join as a full member, and then add the minor with the Family/Partner Add-On Rate. SeeCommunity Manager, Sophia Buffalino, to access the Family/Partner Plan.

  3. I understand and agree to avoid any and all illegal, inappropriate, and/or unsafe behaviors with or toward minors and adults participating in the program. In fact, I agree to help keep all members safe by immediately reporting to the Community Manager, Sophia Buffalino, any and all suspected illegal, inappropriate, and/or unsafe behaviors and/or activities with or about minors and/or any members, and I will immediately notify law enforcement if necessary. I also understand and agree any and all suspected or perceived illegal activity will be reported immediately to law enforcement, which may be Federal if it is across State jurisdictions.

  4. I understand and agree that, as an online community coaching forum, confidentiality will be requested and encouraged, but we cannot guarantee confidentiality of your identify, content, and activities in the Community. We can, however, require we treat each other with respect as we bring safety, belonging, and dignity to ADHDers everywhere, which generally includes trust amongst us that what’s shared in P2B stays in P2B.

  5. I also understand and agree if I think or feel I need licensed mental health support, I can and will of my own initiative seek appropriate support and my own providers, such as by visiting, searching for local or regional crisis support centers[DA2] , and seeking medical attention when necessary.

  6. I agree to not hold P2B or its owners, managers, affiliates, members, and any other related parties responsible for my mental health needs and expressly acknowledge P2B is not providing any professional counseling or therapy and no medical or therapeutic relationship has been created with you by P2B or any of the participants in the Community.

  7. I understand and agree this is a pilot program, and as such I can expect technological issues and content that will be in draft form and edited live throughout the pilot, and that in exchange for my constructive feedback and contributions to this pilot program, I get to keep the monthly discount for the life of my membership.

  8. I understand and agree if canceling my monthly subscription, cancellation will be effective on the day of request with no prorated refunds for that month. Similarly, if canceling an annual subscription, cancellation will be effective on the day of request with a pro-rated refund based on the remaining months of the annual subscription, starting with the 1st day of the following month of cancellation. No refunds will be issued for expired months which were already paid.

  9. I understand and agree that any and all physical activities in which I participate, including Yoga and other physical dance and movement-oriented practices, is of my own free will and agreement. I am able to safely and beneficially participate and have full capability to determine, assess, and decide when not to participate based on my individual abilities and needs. I also understand and agree if I am harmed in any way by my participation, I will take personal responsibility and I will not hold Experiencing Change, LLC, and/or, and/or any and all other current and future subsidiaries, employees, partners, and affiliates, etc., responsible for any undesirable consequences or side effects, whether foreseeable or not.

  10. I understand and agree that all written, oral, and recorded material included posts, topics and articles, groups and rooms, courses and webinars or seminars, and all other content from by Permission to be ADHD, LLC is protected under U.S. Copyright Laws. Proper citations are allowed, but plagiarism is a crime and is thus not allowed.

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